Thursday, January 9, 2020

Little Women: A film that belongs firmly in the fridge. 

What a gloriously touching, beautiful, poignant and devastating film. I will agree with the critics in the fact it’s fairly route one film making; modernising an old narrative with multiple timelines and the use of warm, soft, colourful lighting for the past, and cold, starker, greyer lighting for the present is pretty rudimentary. This did not put me off at all however, and I truly enjoyed this movie from beginning to end. More remarkable performances from Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, Timothe Chalamet and Laura Dern (who’s making a very enjoyable “reDern” to cinema) and the chemistry the four sisters have is infectious and wonderful to behold, without, the film would have been dead on its feet. 

One such scene that had me laughing out loud was the four sisters playing dress up like aristocratic men in their attic and clinking pipes like cheersing glasses, such a brilliant moment that felt very real and genuine. 
This all couldn’t have been accomplished without the incredible direction and novel to script adaptation by Greta Gerwig. Greta is a real talent, inspiring laughter and tears at the drop of a most beloved sister who’s touching scene playing piano for Mr Laurence had already started the water works. What was most impressive about Greta’s adaptation was even though like previous versions Jo was the lead sister mirroring some of Louisa May Alcott’s life as well and therefor the character the audience has most affection for, unlike some previous versions, the other three sisters had some real depth of character too and we warmed to all four of them. This made the previously potentially vilified Amy much more dynamic as a character which the flawless Florence Pugh really managed to capture in every complexity. 

This was a great way to start 2020 for film and indeed for the decade and I hope that it continues in such fashion. I give this film a rating of 8.5/10 and a big recommendation to all, MEN INCLUDED, to go and spend time with these Little Women in the cinema. 

I’ve been Christopher Whitmore, thanks for reading. 

1 comment:

  1. Having read and loved all 4 books would you say it's true to the books?
