Saturday, February 23, 2019

Roma: True Art in black and white. 

     Here’s my review on the multi award winning film Roma. I am a big fan of Alfonso Cuaron’s previous work and this film does not disappoint. Beautifully directed and taking the lead in the cinematography, Alfonso produced one of the most gorgeous pieces of film footage I’ve ever seen. 

     The black and white choice in my opinion representing the polar extremes of the lead character who views her outlook on the world as black and white, right and wrong. This combined with long one shot scenes that built unyielding tension that then often switched to many camera shots in quick succession kept the viewer restless and uneasy. 

    The story evolves around a white privileged family in Mexico who’s children are raised by a Mexican au pair from whose point of view we see most of the film. The stark juxtaposition of the two classes and quality of life were made most apparent when the two women’s story lines were so similar in tragedy and traumatic circumstances . 

     Having said all that, this style of film is not what I jump out of bed and run to the cinema for. In fact if truth be told I only watched this film after it won best picture and even then I couldn’t help thinking ‘ah shit, I guess I’ve got to watch this now.’ In my opinion there are films made for entertainment and films made for art and this was most certainly the latter, and whilst I’m happy that a film in a foreign language is doing so well at the academy awards (especially being Mexican in the current Trumpy climate) it doesn’t fill me with excitement, so I probably won’t be watching it again. 

      As it’s on Netflix and has the acclaim that it does this is a firm recommendation from me. I would give this film a 8.1/10 because as I said as much as I appreciate the artistry behind this film I can’t go as far as to say I really enjoyed it as there were long stylistic sequences that left me a little cold.

     Some exciting news tagged onto the end of this review is we’ve got our teaser trailer for our upcoming The Reel Easy Podcast. Please follow the link below, have a listen and let us know what you think!

I’ve been Christopher Whitmore, thank you for reading and listening. 

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