Saturday, March 23, 2019

Captain Marvel: Perhaps too Marvellous?
For me there was a lot of reservation for the necessity of this film as it seemed to be a clever Disney devise to extract more money out of the franchise just before 'End Game' comes out. It WAS clever, as Marvel obviously had this plan all along to introduce this seemingly integral character just before the climax of the Avengers saga to make another cool billion dollars. Disney will then inevitably repeat those numbers next month with the release of  'End Game' in what I’m sure will be another record breaking box office stampede for tickets (Myself included) . This becomes more frustrating when you realise watching this film how important 'Captain Marvel' will be when taking down Thanos so all the fans will HAVE to watch this IN CINEMAS (because it won’t be out on DVD before 'End Game' is in cinemas) so they are up to date with what’s happening. 

This all being said I did actually enjoy the film, it’s by no way up there with the best of Marvel such as Infinity War, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Civil War and Winter Soldier but then again not nearly as bad as Thor 1,2 , The Incredible Hulk and Ironman 3. It was very middle of the road MCU so very much like your Spider-Man: Homecomings. Brie Larson as Captain Marvel was a very good slightly comedic and ballsy super hero, Nick Fury’s back story was fun to learn about and Jude Law made a very hammy bad guy. 

My main problem with Captain Marvel is rather a nerdy one actually. First off, she’s just too powerful for there to be any peril in the future, she’s basically indestructible and has power beyond belief with no weaknesses to discern of which I think could be a problem in ‘End Game’. Also, why has it taken this long for Nick Fury to call in this favour from potentially the most powerful being in the Universe? Did at no point during 'Infinity War' Fury not think “It’s probably time to call the Calvary now” If not then he’s an awful General!  
Overall I would give this film an average RATING OF 7.1/10. It didn’t make me leap out of my seat with excitement but I can’t say I was bored.

We’ll be reviewing this film in our podcast in more detail in a super hero special. Speaking of podcasts check out Netflix Special on Soundcloud! Like subscribe and leave any comments below!
I’ve been Christopher Whitmore and thanks for reading and listening.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse: All the Spider-Man I’ve ever wanted!

       I have to admit I’ve never been a great lover of “adult” animation in film (all the puns intended.) Having said this I very much enjoy some of the newer Animated TV Shows aimed at adults like Big Mouth, Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman and Family Guy so this prejudice is really based on nothing but lazy ignorance. However again like Roma I only sat down to watch this film because it won best animation at the awards ceremonies and so many people were banging on about it I figured ... why not. I can’t think of a time when I have ever been so wrong about a film and potentially an entire genre. I’m delighted to tell you that I was absolutely blown away by this extraordinary piece of cinema. My previous opinion that I have held for a very long time - there are some films created for Entertainment and some for Artistic prowess, has been challenged. 

           This incredible film whilst being brilliantly artistic and stylised in so many beautiful ways was also hugely entertaining, and I had a massive goofy grin etched across my face for the entire experience. 

        The film tells the story of a young boy, Miles Morales brilliantly voiced by Shameik Moore, who gets bitten by a radioactive spider and then witnesses the death of his own worlds Spider-man (voiced by Chris Pine .... I know right?!). This death consequently meant the success of King-Pin’s master plan in opening up the Multiverse to save his loved ones. Chaos then ensues when worlds collide and Miles accompanies several spider-hero’s (and one pig) from across the multiverse to stop King-Pin destroying reality. 
With animation this film had the freedom to be as outrageous as it wanted to be. It created some fantastic imagery using various comic book styles from the different Spider-Man universes. This coupled with some hilarious comedic writing and voice acting from the likes of Jake Johnson, Nicholas Cage, Hailee Steinfeld and the man of the hour Mahershala Ali to name a few made this film just spellbinding. 
I genuinely couldn’t rate this film more highly and I think it should have been in the running for best picture at the awards shows this year not just best animation. But .. and this may be my old prejudice talking, I can’t give this film a 10/10 because I can’t justify giving top marks to a film that has no live acting in it ... I’m sorry, I guess it’s the actor in me. I’m very willing to admit I’m probably wrong with that though. 

       Stayed tuned for the next Podcast coming soon and an even more glowing report on Spider-Man: Into the spider-verse at a later date! 

I’ve been Christopher Whitmore, thank you for reading.